This system helps to protect your vehicle and valuables. The horn will sound and the hazard warning lights will blink continuously if any of the following occur:
- A door is opened without using the
remote key or smart key.
- The tailgate is opened without using
the remote key or smart key.
- The engine hood is opened.
The alarm continues for 30 seconds, then the system resets. To turn off the alarm, unlock the doors with the remote key or smart key.
The Theft Alarm System automatically sets 30 seconds after you lock the doors and the tailgate. For the system to activate, you must lock the doors and tailgate from outside the vehicle by doing one of the following:
- Using the remote key or smart key
- Pressing the button on the outside of
the door handle with the smart key in
your possession (available with button
- Touching the touch sensor on the
outside of the door handle with
the smart key in your possession
(available with touch sensor type)
The hazard warning lights will blink and the chime will sound once to indicate the system is armed.
Once the security system is set, opening any door, the tailgate, or the hood without using the remote key or smart key will cause the alarm to activate.
The Theft Alarm System will not set if the hood, the tailgate, or any door is not fully closed. If the system will not set, check the hood, the tailgate, or the doors are fully closed.
Do not attempt to alter this system or add other devices to it.
Vehicles equipped with a theft alarm system will have a label attached to the vehicle with the following words:
Hyundai Santa Cruz 2021-2024 Owners Manual: Automatic Transmission Operation
The automatic transmission has eight forward speeds and one reverse speed.
The individual speeds are selected automatically in the D (Drive) position.
The indicator in the instrument cluster
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ignition switch is in the ON position.
To reduce the ri ...
Hyundai Santa Cruz 2021-2024 Owners Manual: Check Tire Pressure
You can check the tire pressure in the
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